It’s no secret that we’re practically living in futuristic Star Trek times. Streaming media platforms like Netflix and Hulu can be watched from any device, iPhones can tell you exactly how to get from A to Z, and talking stereos can give you a full weather report (what?!). If you’re a living, breathing human in 2019, then you also know about the crazy epidemic of podcasts.
Coworkers, family, friends, people in the check-out line…there’s a 95% chance you’ve heard SOMEONE talk about “this amazing podcast” they’re obsessed with. This isn’t surprising, because those podcasts that everyone can’t stop talking about are easily accessible on most Android and Apple smartphones.
So, like, what’s the big deal? Why are people going bananas over podcasts? Just like Netflix and Hulu are the kings of streaming television shows and movies, podcasts are another form of instant entertainment. If you want to take a long road trip, just put on a gripping crime podcast. Love Game of Thrones and want to hear people talk about it? There’s a podcast for that, too.
Podcasts are a new medium for storytelling. In this case, we’re not talking about sharing true crime stories every week, unless it relates to what you’re trying to sell. Telling the story behind your product/service, or having people share their own story about using your product/service, can be a very valuable advertising tool. You can even be a guest on someone else’s podcast and talk about what your business has to offer.
Time for some mind-blowing facts! According to, as of 2018:
- 64 percent of Americans are familiar with podcasting (millions more compared to 2017)
- 44 percent of Americans (that’s around 124 million people overall) have listened to a podcast
- 26 percent of Americans listen to podcasts monthly ( that’s around 73 million people overall)
- In 2018, six million more Americans started listening to podcasts weekly (48 million people total, six million up from 2017)
That’s A LOT of podcast listeners.
Here are a few great insights from, in which they quoted Direct Response Marketing Expert and author, Seth Greene:
“Podcasts offer advertisers the ability to hyper-target. For example, if you had a product you need to get in front of hundreds of thousands of successful business owners, then the Sharkprenuer podcast — hosted by Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington — would be a great show to be on. If you had a product like Shark Tank’s Chord Buddy, there are plenty of podcasts for guitar players to choose from. Research can pinpoint the podcasts that are just right for your message.
“Many brands are experimenting with creating their own podcasts. This way, they control the entire process from start to finish. A bonus of having your own show is that you then own the media and can advertise to your own following as much as you want at no extra cost.”
Here are some other reasons why starting up a podcast could be a great move for your business:
- Having a podcast could help you generate traffic and reach a wide range of audiences.
- You can CONNECT with your audience. A podcast can help build a relationship between you and your listeners. They can get to know you and your brand on a more personal level.
- Podcasts are very engaging. You can create a positive influence on your listeners to take action and use your product or service.
- Not comfortable being in front of the camera? Podcasts are the next best thing next to video marketing — you could podcast in your PJ’s and nobody would be the wiser! ?
If reading this blog hasn’t gotten you pumped for podcasting, here are some of the top podcast recommendations for 2019 to help you get inspired:
Grab your earbuds and start listening!