What’s a Niche Social Media Platform?

A team puts all their hands together in a circle surrounding the text "Find Your Niche"

Feeling Lost in the Social Media Jungle? Find Your Niche and Thrive!

Ever feel like you’re endlessly scrolling through social media, bombarded with cat videos and celebrity gossip (don’t get us wrong, we love a good cat video), but you need to connect with the people who matter most to your business? You’re not alone.

That’s where the magic of niches comes in. In the social media world, a niche isn’t some dusty corner — it’s your dream squad. Think of it as a group of people with a shared passion, whether it’s poodles or the elegance of mid-century modern design. For new homebuilders and digital marketers, focusing on a niche can be the key to unlocking a whole new level of social media success.

Why Niche Down? Benefits Galore!

Social media is a crowded space. By focusing on a niche, you can say goodbye to shouting into the void and hello to a world of targeted marketing. Imagine connecting directly with your ideal clients, building a solid brand identity that resonates, and fostering a community of raving fans who can’t wait to refer you to their friends and family. Sounds pretty sweet, right? For digital marketing, niching down is a game-changer, too. You can create content that speaks directly to your audience’s interests, sparking meaningful conversations and building trust within your niche. Plus, people love connecting with their “tribe,” leading to more engagement on your posts.

Finding Your Tribe: Where the Niche People Live

The good news is your niche community is already out there. Popular social media platforms are teeming with niche groups just waiting to welcome you. Here are a few prime hunting grounds:

  • #NicheTikTok: Have you been to Barnes and Noble recently and seen a massive BookTok table? That is because TikTok is hands-down the most popular platform for niche content. The video platform was built on its highly specific algorithm that focuses on the content you engage with. Additionally, research is showing more and more people are going to TikTok first to research something they are curious about. Using hashtags like #realestatetiktok, #homedesign or #homebuilding, you can directly target potential homeowners with stunning visuals of your latest projects, design inspiration videos, or even quick tips for budgeting for a new build. The possibilities are endless!
  • #CuratedFeed: While TikTok might be taking the video world by storm, Instagram remains a powerhouse for visual content. Think about those beautifully designed home decor accounts you follow — that’s the power of niche marketing on Instagram. Utilize targeted hashtags like #luxuryhomes, #firsttimehomebuyer, or #custombuild to connect with potential clients who are actively searching for their dream home. Showcase your stunning portfolio with high-quality photos and videos, offer sneak peeks into the building process, or share design inspiration stories — all tailored to the specific interests of your niche audience.
  • #Influencers: Leveraging the power of niche influencers can take your niche marketing strategy to the next level. Partnering with local designers, realtors, and other homebuilding experts on social media means putting your content in front of their loyal following, which you may not have been able to access otherwise. They could showcase the beautiful craftsmanship of your latest project, or share their experience working with your team. Look for influencers who align with your brand values and niche focus, as their genuine recommendations can be a game-changer for reaching your ideal audience.

While hashtags and captivating content are key, remember the social media algorithm likes to see a little extra. Adding a friendly face to your videos, whether it’s you or a team member, can win attention and make your content more relatable. Don’t forget the power of captions and music, which enhances your message, improves accessibility, and keeps viewers engaged. Small tweaks, like these, can make a big difference when it comes to boosting video engagement within your niche communities.

Conquering Your Niche: Tips for Social Media Supremacy

Now that you’ve found your niche crew, here’s how to become a valued member and watch your social media presence flourish:

  • Be Authentic and Valuable: Share your expertise and insights. Don’t just be a salesperson, it isn’t what audiences want anymore. Offer genuine advice and position yourself as a trusted resource.
  • Engage with the Community: This is where the magic happens. Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in discussions. Platforms like TikTok allow you to make video responses to comments, which is a fantastic way to engage and be authentic.
  • Show Off Your Work: High-quality visuals are essential to your popularity. Dazzle your audience with stunning photos of your homes and inspiring design ideas.
  • Track Your Results: Data is your friend. Analyze what resonates with your audience and adapt your strategy accordingly. Keep tweaking and refining your approach for continued success.

It’s time to exit the social media jungle and find your niche oasis. By focusing on a targeted audience and providing genuine value, you can build meaningful connections, establish your brand as an authority, and see your business thrive.

This article was adapted from the original posted on April 7th, 2020. The original article content is available below for reading. Note that some content may be out of trend for today’s market, but it serves as a review of how industry changes affect us.

What’s a Niche Social Media Platform?

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These are social media sites we all know and love. ? Their popularity has only increased over the past few years with research showing that 79% of people have at least one social networking profile. ? While the big three are here to stay (for now), there’s something hot on its heels. Niche social networks.

What is a niche social media network?

  • Niche social networks target a select segment of the population. It’s something that Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can no longer do successfully because they’ve all grown so large. These niche networks allow users to connect with like-minded individuals who share the same interests and hobbies. ? Some of the most up and coming niche sites are Houzz, Vero, Steemit, and Caffeine.
  • Some niche networks are so tight knit that they create community guidelines and forbid certain types of behavior. A good example of this is the niche social media site Nextdoor, a site that was created as a neighborhood hub so neighbors could exchange helpful information, goods, and services. Their community guidelines basically rely on one underlying principal: everyone treats each other with respect. 

These sites offer unique experiences that larger social media platforms can no longer offer. Meaning there’s so much room for opportunity on these new sites.

But… should you invest in them? 

There are pros and cons to everything in life…which means that there are upsides and downsides to these niche social media networking sites. ? We’re going to dive into the good, bad, and ugly, and whether or not you should take the leap.

Pros. The landscape of social media communities is constantly changing. You can thank our digital world for that. As people’s priorities shift, so do the Internet realms.

  • Feeling connected. People want to feel connected and are constantly looking for a sense of belonging. Niche social media sites allow people to express themselves and connect with specific types of social media communities.
  • Which gives way to…advertising potential. This is a big one. Niche platforms allow brands to better connect with highly targeted audiences. The more targeted the audiences are, the better the conversion rates can be.  For example, Houzz, a site for all things home and design, started off as a side project, but has grown to a community of more than 40 million strong. It ALSO allows brands to connect more efficiently with members to create a lasting bond.
  • Niche content. The beautiful thing about having a niche site is being able to create more specific content. You can create specific messaging and hone your voice because you’re not talking to a large and broad audience.

Cons. The thing with niche social media sites is that they can be…tricky. ?

  • There’s no guarantee the niche site will stay small. As we have all seen with sites like Facebook, all it takes is one small community to talk and before you know it…billions of people are on the site. Your niche site that you love COULD stay small or it could skyrocket in an instant. It’s completely unpredictable. 
  • The niche could become obsolete.  Depending on the niche you choose or are following, there’s a possibility that it could become null and void. That’s why it’s so important to choose carefully and monitor them before investing both time and resources. Continue to check in with the performance of your content and engagement to make sure it is still delivering in the way that you want.

Now that we’ve laid it all out there for you, it’s time for YOU to make up your own minds about niche social networks! Happy reading. ?

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