- Hosting Fee
- Newsroom Set-up
- Send up to 500 Emails Per Month
- Created Per Project or Per Region
- Research on Local Media and Influencers
- Creation of Targeted List
- List Can Be Reused for Future Media Alerts on Same Project
- (also available as Alert Only – No Media/Influencer Communications)
- Copywriting and Editing of Alert
- Gathering of Assets for Presskit
- Pitch to Press & Influencers
- Negotiation, Communications & Coordination with Press & Influencers*
- *Influencer Fees Billed Additionally
- Analytics Report
- Additional Newswire.com Release:
- 1 Industry List
- 2 Industry Lists (additional cost)
- Analytics Included
- Research on 1-5 Influencers for Specific Event or Partnership
- (GroupHigh plus)
- Pitch Writing
- Negotiation, Communication, and Coordination with Influencer**Influencer Fees Billed Additionally