The world of graphic design is constantly evolving. As with fashion, graphic design trends are perpetually exploding in popularity, falling out of style, and being recycled or updated. Once a trend becomes exceedingly popular, the public begins to see it too often in their daily lives, which eventually leads to that particular design being viewed as uncreative, tiresome, or even annoying. One of the most recent design trends that has begun to suffer from this fate is the all-too-familiar flat, metaphorical images featuring faceless, joyful individuals — also known as “Corporate Memphis.”

Do you recognize this style? Are you getting tired of it? Us, too. Although we’ve adopted similar designs for some of our past content, we recognize when a trend has run its course. Staying up-to-date with new design trends is a great — and some would argue necessary — way of keeping your audience interested in your content. Instead of spending hours researching the latest buzz in the graphic design world, you can check out the following list of emerging trends to help you spruce up your company’s virtual appeal.
At One With Nature
This trend should come as no surprise. Throughout the course of the pandemic, folks have flocked to designs that offer peace of mind. Images and designs that invoke nature and tranquility have helped to soothe and relax us during uncertain times. While this trend has been popular for a while now, the growing fixation on eco-friendly living and the push for environmental justice promises a secure future for natural-themed designs.

Things Are Shaping Up
While the digital landscape of the late 2010s was saturated with abstract images, the beginning of the 2020s is marking the return of geometric shapes. Geometric shapes have been cropping up everywhere in online design, and there’s a good reason for this shift. Geometric shapes are easy for designers to create, utilize, and repurpose. They can be used to represent data points, add texture, and increase visual appeal in a format that is easy for consumers to process.

Getting Crafty
Another trend that emerged during the initial days of quarantine was a return to traditional crafts such as sewing, knitting, painting, embroidery, and a host of others. While stuck inside, many people began learning these crafts in hopes of starting an online store or simply engage in a hobby that doesn’t involve a computer screen. The renewed interest in crafts has since made its way into graphic design. Elements of popular crafts have been incorporated into digital images, instilling feelings of nostalgia, simplicity, and comfort in viewers.

Text on TikTok
The age of TikTok and Reels has flooded many of our lives with bite-sized videos. Since these brief vids can be consumed in a matter of seconds, people often find themselves scrolling through their FYP (For You Page) during pockets of free time at school and work. Since the volume of these videos often has to be turned down or muted entirely while in these environments, and because some people prefer scrolling without sound in general, creators have begun adding text to their videos. This decision allows videos to be understood without sound, and it also helps catch the attention of browsers on these increasingly saturated video platforms.

Now that you are familiar with some of the new trends, you can begin revamping the design of your website and marketing content. Although the easiest way to make sure your graphic design is being influenced by the latest and greatest in graphic trends is to have a digital marketing company, like Get Community, by your side. Contact Get Community today to learn how our talented team ensures your graphic design is always on point and never outdated.